- pipe cleaners/chenille stems
- artificial flowers
- elastic string (also sold as "stretch lace")
- hot glue and hot glue gun (optional, but will keep the headband together much better)
First, measure and cut a pipe cleaner to fit over the top of your head. If one pipe cleaner is too short, just twist together two. Then fold in the ends to prevent scratching your head later.
Now, arrange your flowers over the pipe cleaner the way you would like them to make sure they fit/make sure you have enough flowers.
Next, cut a pipe cleaner into 1-3 inch pieces. You may need to cut up more than one pipe cleaner depending on how many flowers you are using. Take your glue gun and put a drop of glue on the top of each short piece of pipe cleaner. Now stick the pipe cleaner into the flower stem part, and wait a few seconds for it to dry. Now set your flowers off to the side. You also can decide to not glue in the stems if you don't have hot glue, etc., but the flowers can fall off quite easily if not secured to the stems with hot glue.

Now go back to your long pipe cleaner that fits over your head. Hold it up to your head, and then cut a piece of elastic string that will make it loose enough to fit on your head, but tight enough to stay on. Tie a knot with the elastic on one end of the pipe cleaner, fold up a little piece of the pipe cleaner, twist, and repeat on the other side.
Now take your flowers with the pipe cleaner pieces attached to them. Begin twisting the pipe cleaner pieces around the base pipe cleaner, attaching the flowers to the headband. Repeat with all of the flowers.
Now all you have to do is just play around with the flowers until they are the way you like them, and you're done! These flower headbands are similar to the flower crown D.I.Y. I did, but they are less bulky and aren't as large, so they really can be worn anywhere.
I hope you guys liked this D.I.Y.! If you make a flower headband, please show me on Instagram using #flowerlandifulcrafts, and #wonderlandifulcrafts! Also, don't forget to check out my Instagram page @wonderlandifulcrafts! Bye guys!
The Wonderlandiful Crafter